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Hawo NanoPak Academy

The hawo heat sealer hm 950 DC-V NanoPak surpasses all its predecessors, offering smart operation, comprehensive digitisation, networkability and sustainability.

Prevalence of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders Among Surgeons

"Importance Physicians in procedural specialties are at high risk for work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). This has been called “an impending epidemic” in the context of the looming workforce shortage; however, prevalence estimates vary by study. Objectives To estimate the prevalence of work-related MSDs among at-risk physicians and to evaluate the scope of preventive efforts..." - Sherise Epstein, MPH; Emily H. Sparer, ScD; Bao N. Tran, MD; Qing Z. Ruan, MD; Jack T. Dennerlein, PhD; Dhruv Singhal, MD; Bernard T. Lee, MD, MPH, MBA

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