Another Mobile CSD Installed and Operational!
The COVID-19 pandemic has placed enormous pressure on Australian medical facilities. The importance of good Infection Control practices has never more clear. Maintaining Central Sterile Services is critical for facilities to meet their responsibilities, particularly as restrictions within the country ease and elective surgeries resume. As refurbishment of a hospital’s CSD can already impact the facility’s ability to maintain supply, the current circumstances only increase this issue. Fortunately, In Vitro Technologies’ Mobile CSD provides the optimal solution.
Despite the many challenges imposed by COVID-19, the In Vitro team has successfully constructed, delivered, and installed another Mobile CSD! The newly installed Mobile CSD is one of the largest that In Vitro has provided so far, spanning 100sqm to cater specifically for this facility’s reprocessing needs. As In Vitro is constantly innovating to provide cutting-edge solutions for our customers, this newest installation won’t remain the largest in the range for long; with plans for the development of our 120sqm, 5 module Mobile CSD underway.
All enquires about the Mobile CSD can be forwarded through to our friendly customer care team atcare@invitro.com.au or call us on 1300 552 003